As our city grows, as young people reject the culture of the car for environmental and economic reasons, as the boomers age…
- We never imagined our city, the Railway Capital of Canada, being without public transportation to London and the rest of Ontario.
- We never imagined our citizens without a way to reach specialized medical services by public transportation.
- We never imagined tourists being unable to access our city as a destination at convenient times.
- We never imagined St. Thomas families being unable to connect and help each other outside the city using public transportation.
- We never imagined gridlock as a way of life for travel to and from Toronto.
We need workable and affordable solutions.
Show that public transportation is important to our city by joining us at a public forum to present Network Southwest, an action plan for rapid solutions to our region’s transportation challenges.
With transportation analyst and government policy advisor:
Greg Gormick
President, On Track Strategies
Wednesday May 27, 2015
7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.
St. Thomas CASO Station
750 Talbot Street, St. Thomas N5P 1E2
The CASO station is an accessible venue.